Unlike other parts of the world where lead pipes cause poisoning, the Roman water had so much calcium in it that a layer of plaque prevented the water contacting the lead itself. ĭespite the Romans' common use of lead pipes, their aqueducts rarely poisoned people. Lead-tin alloy solder was commonly used to join copper pipes, but modern practice uses tin-antimony alloy solder instead in order to eliminate lead hazards. Lead water pipes were still widely used in the early 20th century and remain in many households. This was a source of lead-related health problems in the years before the health hazards of ingesting lead were fully understood among these were stillbirths and high rates of infant mortality. Such use was so common that the word "plumbing" derives from plumbum, the Latin word for lead. Lead was the favoured material for water pipes for many centuries because its malleability made it practical to work into the desired shape. Old water pipe, remnant of the Machine de Marly near Versailles, France At this time, copper piping was introduced as a better and safer alternative to lead pipes. The use of lead for potable water declined sharply after World War II because of increased awareness of the dangers of lead poisoning. After that period, copper piping took over, first soft copper with flared fittings, then with rigid copper tubing using soldered fittings.

For potable water use, galvanized iron piping was commonplace in the United States from the late 1800s until around 1960. Most large cities today pipe solid wastes to sewage treatment plants in order to separate and partially purify the water, before emptying into streams or other bodies of water. In post-classical Kilwa The wealthy enjoyed indoor plumbing in their stone homes. Eventually the development of separate, underground water and sewage systems eliminated open sewage ditches and cesspools. Earlier, the waste disposal system had consisted of collecting waste and dumping it on the ground or into a river. During this period, public health authorities began pressing for better waste disposal systems to be installed, to prevent or control epidemics of disease.

Improvement was very slow, with little effective progress made until the growth of modern densely populated cities in the 1800s. With the Fall of Rome both water supply and sanitation stagnated-or regressed-for well over 1,000 years. The Romans used lead pipe inscriptions to prevent water theft. Plumbing reached its early apex in ancient Rome, which saw the introduction of expansive systems of aqueducts, tile wastewater removal, and widespread use of lead pipes. Lead was also used for piping and for making baths. Roman roofs used lead in conduits and drain pipes and some were also covered with lead. The word "plumber" dates from the Roman Empire. Ĭopper piping appeared in Egypt by 2400 BCE, with the Pyramid of Sahure and adjoining temple complex at Abusir, found to be connected by a copper waste pipe. Standardized earthen plumbing pipes with broad flanges making use of asphalt for preventing leakages appeared in the urban settlements of the Indus Valley civilization by 2700 BC. They had easily detachable and replaceable segments, and allowed for cleaning. Clay pipes were later used in the Hittite city of Hattusa. The city of Uruk contains the oldest known examples of brick constructed Latrines, constructed atop interconnecting fired clay sewer pipes, c.3200 BCE. The Mesopotamians introduced the world to clay sewer pipes around 4000 BCE, with the earliest examples found in the Temple of Bel at Nippur and at Eshnunna, used to remove wastewater from sites, and capture rainwater, in wells. Plumbing originated during ancient civilizations, as they developed public baths and needed to provide potable water and wastewater removal for larger numbers of people. Roman lead pipe with a folded seam, at the Roman Baths in Bath, England